
May Chow
May Chow
May Chow
May Chow




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賀年糕點系列|Chinese New Year Cakes

賀年糕點系列|Chinese New Year Cakes

賀年糕點融合傳統與創新,由得獎名廚May Chow精心製作,採用優質食材,帶來節日的祥和與喜悅,超越美食,成為一段值得分享的回憶。 Our Chinese New Year Cakes blend tradition with innovation, crafted by award-winning chef May Chow using premium ingredients. More than just food, they’re an experience, a memory to share.
May Chow
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季節性訂單 Seasonal Orders

隨著我們進入最忙碌的季節,我們強烈建議您至少提前一週預訂,以確保訂單順利處理。對於兩天內的訂單,我們的數量有限。由於每個蘿蔔糕均為手工製作,請盡早下單以確保您的訂單。 As we approach our busiest season, we highly recommend placing your pre-order at least one week in advance to guarantee availability. For orders placed within two days, quantities are limited. Since each turnip cake is handmade, please order early to secure your order.

Little Bao餐廳門市自取

Self-pickup available at all Little Bao locations

全港直送 (部分地區除外)

Hong Kong Wide Delivery (except for some areas)


For corporate gifting enquiries, please contact us

WhatsApp: +852 6733 9221

「Celebrations」禮盒系列 |「Celebrations」 Gift Sets

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「Celebrations」禮盒系列 |「Celebrations」 Gift Sets

「Celebrations」禮盒系列詮釋農曆新年之精粹:「傳統與創新的完美交匯」。每一款賀年糕點產品經過團隊精心設計、選用頂級食材,為您的餐桌聚會帶來節慶喜悅、同時為心靈帶來一絲溫暖。 Celebrations capture the spirit of this season—a collection of thoughtfully crafted creations that honor tradition, yet embrace modernity. Each creation in this collection is crafted with love, using the finest ingredients, to bring happiness to your table and warmth to your heart.

廚房用具|Kitchen Tools

May Chow烹飪工具以精緻設計結合實用功能,專為製作及呈現賀年糕點而打造。此工具不但提升烹飪過程的便利性,更為佳節盛宴增添優雅氣息,是追求重視工藝同烹飪完美人士的理想之選。Designed with care and precision, May Chow kitchen tools are expertly crafted to elevate the art of preparing and presenting Chinese New Year cakes. Blending functionality with elegance, these tools enhance your cooking experience while adding sophistication to your festive celebrations. A thoughtful choice for those who appreciate craftsmanship and culinary excellence.


香港手工製作,採用最優質的食材,不含白糖、味精、添加劑和防腐劑,確保每一口都是純粹的享受 Handmade in Hong Kong with the finest ingredients, these cakes are free from white sugar, MSG, additives, and preservatives, ensuring a pure, indulgent experience with every bite